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Federal Deposit
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FDIC Federal Register Citations

From: Woody Pagan []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 5:35 PM
To: Comments
Subject: rin3064-ac50

Dear Mr., Feldman, I am extremely concerned with the proposed changes in the Community Reinvestment Act pending .These changes would severely limit or eliminate access to financial institutions by low and moderate income communities in both urban and rural areas of this country. The proposed regulation changes will have a deleterious effect on projects and plans for the next decade. This proposal will exempt banks from participation in low and moderate income projects and silence any voice these communities have in the future.As a citizen and a person involved in community development I urge that you resist the banking lobby's efforts to roll back the clock to the "redlining" era of the past. Very Truly Yours Woodie A. Pagan

Last Updated 10/04/2004

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