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FDIC Federal Register Citations

Tower Bank & Trust Co.

From: Marie Doty []
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:09 PM
To: Comments
Cc: ''
Subject: RIB No. 3064-AC50

Mr. Feldman:

I am writing to support the FDIC's proposal to raise the threshold for the small bank CRA examination to $1 billion without regard to the size of the bank's holding company.

Our bank is a $467 million bank located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We are currently and newly subject to the large-bank CRA exam for the first time. The regulatory burden imposed on our bank due to the large CRA bank status has been enormous to us. This is the same standard that the Wells Fargo, National City and Bank One institutions in this city are held to with their enormous monetary and human resources. We have had to completely reorganize our programs, hire additional staff, begin massive new reporting, and monitoring has been costly in professional fees. All the while trying to compete with institutions like Wells Fargo, National City, and Bank One in this community, and Chase and the other trillion dollar institutions in other communities. The disparity is of extensive significance and consequence to the smaller community financial institutions.

In all fairness regarding the regulatory burden imposed, this proposal would be far more appropriate to the size of our bank and other similar-sized financial institutions than subjecting us to the same standards and requirements that apply to the trillion dollar institutions.
I strongly urge the FDIC to adopt its proposal, and am hopeful the other agencies will follow . I very much appreciate your consideration.

Marie A Doty
Vice President
Compliance and Internal Audit
Tower Bank & Trust Co.
116 East Berry Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana


Last Updated 09/21/2004

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