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Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis > Deregulation of the S&Ls

Deregulation of the S&Ls

Balderston, Frederick E., Thrifts in Crisis: Structural Transformation of the Savings and Loan Industry, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1985.

Barth, James R. and Michael R. Bradley, Thrift Deregulation and Federal Deposit Insurance , Working Paper No. 150, Washington, DC: Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1988.

Brewer, Elijah, and Thomas H. Mondschean, The Empirical Test of the Incentive Effects of Deposit Insurance: the Case of Junk Bonds at Savings and Loan Associations, Working Paper Series Issues in Financial Regulation, Chicago, IL: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1991.

Carron, Andrew S., The Plight of the Thrift Institutions, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1982.

Gray, Jonathan E, Financial Deregulation and the Savings and Loan Crisis, New York: S.C. Bernstein & Co., Inc., 1988.

Kaufman, George C. and Roger C. Kormendi, eds., Deregulating Financial Services, Public Policy in Flux, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1986.

Rubinovitz, Robert, Moral Hazard in the Thrift Industry, Economic Analysis Group Discussion Paper No. 90-1, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, 1990.

Strunk, Norman and Fred Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong: A Look at the Causes behind the Savings and Loan Failures in the 1980s, Chicago: U.S. League of Savings Institutions, 1988.

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Last Updated 6/6/99

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