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Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation

Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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2011 Annual Report

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3. Performance Results Summary

Performance Results By Program And Strategic Goal

2011 Insurance Program Results

Strategic Goal: Insured depositors are protected from loss without recourse to taxpayer funding.

# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results

Respond promptly to all financial institution closings and related emerging issues.

Number of business days after an institution failure that depositors have access to insured funds either through transfer of deposits to the successor insured depository institution or depositor payout. Depositors have access to insured funds within one business day if the failure occurs on a Friday.


Depositors have access to insured funds within two business days if the failure occurs on any other day of the week.


Insured depositor losses resulting from a financial institution failure. There are no depositor losses on insured deposits.


No appropriated funds are required to pay insured depositors. Achieved.

Disseminate data and analyses on issues and risks affecting the financial services industry to bankers, supervisors, the public, and other stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

Scope and timeliness of information dissemination on identified or potential issues and risks. Disseminate results of research and analyses in a timely manner through regular publications, ad hoc reports, and other means. Achieved.
Undertake industry outreach activities to inform bankers and other stakeholders about current trends, concerns, and other available FDIC resources. Achieved.

Set assessment rates to restore the insurance fund reserve ratio to the statutory minimum of 1.35 percent of estimated insured deposits by September 30, 2020.

Update assessment projections and recommend changes.

Provide updated fund projections to the FDIC Board of Directors by June 30, 2011, and December 31, 2011.

Recommend changes to deposit insurance assessment rates for the DIF to the FDIC Board as necessary. Achieved.

Demonstrated progress in achieving the goals of the Restoration Plan.

Provide updates to the FDIC Board by June 30, 2011, and December 31, 2011.


Expand and strengthen the FDIC’s participation and leadership role in supporting robust international deposit insurance and banking systems.

Scope of information sharing and assistance available to international governmental bank regulatory and deposit insurance entities.



Undertake outreach activities to inform and train foreign bank regulators and deposit insurers.


Foster strong relationships with international banking regulators and associations that promote sound banking supervision and regulation, failure resolutions, and deposit insurance practices. Achieved.
Lead the International Association of Deposit Insurers training on the methodology for assessing compliance with implementation of the Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems. Achieved.

Provide educational information to insured depository institutions and their customers to help them understand the rules for determining the amount of insurance coverage on deposit accounts.

Timeliness of responses to deposit insurance coverage inquiries.

Respond within two weeks to 95 percent of written inquires from consumers and bankers about FDIC deposit insurance coverage.


Initiatives to increase public awareness of deposit insurance coverage changes.

Conduct at least 12 telephone or in-person seminars for bankers on deposit insurance coverage.


2011 Supervision and Consumer Protection Program Results

Strategic Goal: FDIC-insured institutions are safe and sound.

# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results


Conduct on-site risk management examinations to assess the overall financial condition, management practices and policies, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations of FDIC-supervised depository institutions.

Percentage of required examinations conducted in accordance with statutory requirements and FDIC policy.

Conduct 100 percent of required risk management examinations within the time frames prescribed by statue and FDIC policy.



For all institutions that are assigned a composite Uniform Financial Institutions Rating of 3, 4, or 5, conduct on-site visits within six months after implementation of a corrective program. Ensure during these visits and subsequent examinations that the institution is fulfilling the requirements of the corrective program that has been implemented and that the actions taken are effectively addressing the underlying concerns identified during the examination.

Percentage of follow-up examinations and on-site visits of 3-, 4-, or 5-rated institutions conducted within required time frames.

Conduct 100 percent of required on-site visits within six months after implementation of a corrective program.



Complete the transfer of personnel and supervisory responsibility for state-chartered thrifts from the Office of Thrift Supervision to the FDIC in accordance with approved plans and statutory requirements.

Transfer of personnel and supervisory responsibility for state-chartered thrifts from OTS to the FDIC.

Complete the transfer of supervisory responsibility for state-chartered thrifts by July 21, 2011.

Identify the OTS employees to be transferred and complete the transfer of those employees to the FDIC no later than 90 days after July 21, 2011. Achieved.


Assist in protecting the infrastructure of the U.S. banking system against terrorist financing, money laundering and other financial crimes.

Percentage of required examinations conducted in accordance with statutory requirements and FDIC policy.

Conduct 100 percent of required Bank Secrecy Act examinations within the time frames prescribed by statute and FDIC policy.



More closely align regulatory capital with risk and ensure that capital is maintained at prudential levels.

Implementation by the federal banking agencies of capital floors for banking organizations in accordance with the requirements of Section 171 of DFA.

Complete by June 30, 2011, the final rule addressing capital floors for banking organizations.

Issuance by the federal banking agencies of proposed rules to implement Basel III regulatory capital enhancements. Complete by September 30, 2011, the Basel III Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) for the new definition of capital, the July 2009 enhancements to resecuritizations risk weights, and securitization disclosures. Deferred.
Complete by September 30, 2011, the Basel NPR for the new leverage ratio. Deferred.
Complete by September 30, 2011, the Basel NPR for the new liquidity requirements. Deferred.
Complete by December 31, 2011, the final rule on the Market Risk Amendment (includes finalizing alternatives to the use of credit ratings in accordance with DFA requirements). Deferred.
Complete by September 30, 2011, the NPR for the Standardized Framework. Deferred.


Identify and address risks in financial institutions designated as systemically important.

Establishment of institution monitoring and resolution planning programs for systemically important institutions.

Establish an ongoing FDIC monitoring program for all covered financial institutions.

Complete rulemaking to establish (with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) criteria for resolution plans to be submitted by systemically important institutions. Achieved.


Facilitate more effective regulatory compliance so as to reduce regulatory burden on the banking industry, where appropriate, while maintaining the independence and integrity of the FDIC’s risk management and consumer compliance supervisory programs.

Issuance of revised corporate directive.

Issue by March 31, 2011, a revised corporate directive on the issuance of Financial Institution Letters (FILs) that includes a requirement that all FILs contain an informative section as to their applicability to smaller institutions (total assets under $1 billion).

Completion of review of recurring questionnaires and information requests. Complete by June 30, 2011, a review of all recurring questionnaires and information requests to the industry and submit a report to FDIC management with recommendations on improving efficiency and ease of use, including a scheduled plan for implementing these revisions. Carry out approved recommendations in accordance with the plan. Achieved.


Strategic Goal: Consumers' rights are protected and FDIC-supervised institutions invest in their communities.



Conduct on-site CRA and compliance examinations to assess compliance with applicable laws and regulations by FDIC-supervised depository institutions.

Percentage of examinations conducted in accordance with the time frames prescribed by FDIC policy.

Conduct 100 percent of required examinations within the time frames established by FDIC policy.



Take prompt and effective supervisory action to monitor and address problems identified during compliance examinations of FDIC-supervised institutions that receive an overall 3, 4, or 5 rating for compliance with consumer protection and fair lending laws.

Percentage of follow-up examinations or on-site visits of 3-, 4-, and 5-rated institutions conducted within required time frames.

For all institutions that are assigned a compliance rating of 3, 4, or 5, conduct follow-up examinations or on-site visits within 12 months to ensure that each institution is fulfilling the requirements of any corrective programs that have been implemented and that the actions taken are effectively addressing the underlying concerns identified during the examination.



Complete the transfer of personnel and supervisory responsibility for compliance examinations of FDIC supervised institutions with more than $10 billion in assets and their affiliates from the FDIC to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in accordance with statutory requirements.

Transfer from the FDIC to the CFPB of personnel and supervisory responsibility for FDIC-supervised institutions with more than $10 billion in assets and their affiliates.

Complete by July 21, 2011, the transfer of supervisory responsibility from the FDIC to the CFPB.

Identify the FDIC employees to be transferred to the CFPB and transfer them in accordance with established time frames. Achieved.


Effectively investigate and respond to written consumer complaints and inquiries about FDIC-supervised financial institutions.

Timely responses to written consumer complaints and inquiries.

Respond to 95 percent of written consumer complaints and inquiries within time frames established by policy, with all complaints and inquiries receiving at least an initial acknowledgement within two weeks.



Establish, in consultation with the FDIC’s Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion and other regulatory agencies, national objectives and methods for reducing the number of unbanked and underbanked individuals.

Completion of initiatives to facilitate progress in improving the engagement of low- and moderate-income individuals with mainstream financial institutions.

Launch the FDIC Model Safe Accounts Pilot, begin data collection on the accounts from banks, and start reporting on results of the pilot.

Continue to promote the results of the FDIC Small-Dollar Loan Pilot, and research opportunities for bringing small-dollar lending programs to scale, including exploring a test of employer-based lending using the federal workforce. Achieved.
Engage in efforts to support safe mortgage lending in low- and moderate-income communities. Achieved.

2011 Receivership Management Program Results

Strategic Goal: Resolutions are orderly and receiverships are managed effectively.

# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results


Market failing institutions to all known qualified and interested potential bidders.

Scope of qualified and interested bidders solicited.

Contact all known qualified and interested bidders.



Value, manage, and market assets of failed institutions and their subsidiaries in a timely manner to maximize net return.

Percentage of the assets marketed for each failed institution.

For at least 95 percent of insured institution failures, market at least 90 percent of the book value of the institution’s marketable assets within 90 days of the failure date (for cash sales) or 120 days of the failure date (for structured sales).



Manage the receivership estate and its subsidiaries toward an orderly termination.

Timely termination of new receiverships.

Terminate at least 75 percent of new receiverships that are not subject to loss share agreements, structured sales, or other legal impediments within three years of the date of failure.



Complete reviews of all loss share and Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) agreements to ensure full compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreements.

Percentage of reviews of loss share and LLC agreements completed and action plans implemented.

Complete on-site field work for reviews of 100 percent of the loss share and LLC agreements active as of December 31, 2010, to ensure full compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreements.

Review the final report and implement an action plan to address the report’s finding and recommendations for 75 percent of the loss share reviews and 50 percent of the LLC reviews, including all reviews of agreements totaling more than $1.0 billion (gross book value). Achieved.


Conduct investigations into all potential professional liability claim areas for all failed insured depository institutions, and decide as promptly as possible to close or pursue each claim, considering the size and complexity of the institution.

Percentage of investigated claim areas for which a decision has been made to close or pursue the claim.

For 80 percent of all claim areas, make a decision to close or pursue professional liability claims within 18 months of the failure of an insured depository institution.

Last Updated 09/05/2012

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