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Federal Deposit
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Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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2007 Annual Report

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III. Performance Results Summary

Performance Results by Program and Strategic Goal

2007 Insurance Program Results
Strategic Goal: Insured depositors are protected from loss without recourse to taxpayer funding.
# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results
1 Respond promptly to all financial institution closings and emerging issues. Number of business days after institution failure that depositors have access to insured funds either through transfer of deposits to successor insured depository institution or depositor payout. Provide access to insured funds in one business day if the failure occurs on a Friday. Achieved.
See pg. 37.
Provide access to insured funds in two business days if the failure occurs on any other day of the week. Achieved.
See pg. 37.
Enhancement of FDIC capabilities to make a deposit insurance determination for a large-bank failure. Review comments received in response to the 2006 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) and publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Large-Bank Deposit Insurance Determination Modernization in 2007. Achieved.
See pg. 15.
2 Identify and address risks to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). Insurance risks posed by large insured depository institutions. Assess the insurance risks in 100 percent of large insured depository institutions and adopt appropriate strategies. Achieved.
See pg. 52.
Concerns referred for examination or other action. Identify and follow up on 100 percent of issues raised through off-site review and analysis. Achieved.
See pg. 52.
Emerging risks to the DIF. Identify and review the emerging areas of risk, including mortgage lending, hedge funds, commercial real estate lending, derivatives, money laundering, illicit financial transactions and the international operations of insured depository institutions. Achieved.
See pgs. 16, 25.
Address potential risks from cross-border banking instability through coordinated review of critical issues and, where appropriate, agreements with key authorities. Achieved.
See pgs. 34-35.
3 Disseminate data and analyses on issues and risks affecting the financial services industry to bankers, supervisors, the public and other stakeholders. Scope and timeliness of information dissemination on identified or potential issues and risks. Results of research and analyses are disseminated in a timely manner through regular publications, ad hoc reports and other means. Achieved.
See pg. 17.
Industry outreach activities are undertaken to inform bankers and other stakeholders about current trends, concerns and other available FDIC resources. Achieved.
See pg. 17.
4 Maintain and improve the deposit insurance system. Implementation of deposit insurance reform. Implement the new deposit insurance pricing system. Achieved.
See pgs. 13-14.
Complete and issue guidance on the pricing of deposit insurance for large banks. Achieved.
See pg. 14.
Publish an ANPR seeking comment on a permanent dividend system. Achieved.
See pg. 15.
Loss reserves. Enhance the effectiveness of the reserving methodology by applying sophisticated analytical techniques to review variances between projected losses and actual losses, and by adjusting the methodology accordingly. Achieved.
See pg. 51.
Fund adequacy. Set assessment rates to maintain the insurance fund reserve ratio between 1.15 and 1.50 percent of estimated insured deposits. Achieved.
See pg. 51.
5 Provide educational information to insured depository institutions and their customers to help them understand the rules for determining the amount of insurance coverage on deposit accounts. Timeliness of responses to insurance coverage inquiries. Respond to 90 percent of inquiries from consumers and bankers about FDIC deposit insurance coverage within time frames established by policy. Achieved.
See pg. 32.
Utility of educational tools available to bankers and consumers. Publish a comprehensive and authoritative resource guide for bankers, attorneys, financial advisors and similar professionals on the FDIC's rules and requirements for deposit insurance coverage of revocable and irrevocable trust accounts. Achieved.
See pg. 33.
Conduct a series of national teleconferences for insured financial institutions to address current questions and issues relating to FDIC insurance coverage of deposit accounts. Achieved.
See pg. 33.
6 Expand and strengthen the FDIC's leadership role in providing technical guidance, training, consulting services and information to international governmental banking and deposit insurance organizations. Scope of information sharing and assistance available to international banking and deposit insurance entities. Undertake global outreach activities to inform and train foreign bank regulators and deposit insurers. Achieved.
See pg. 35.
Foster strong relationships with international banking regulators and associations that promote sound banking policies in order to provide leadership and guidance in global banking supervision and regulations, failure resolution and deposit insurance. Achieved.
See pgs. 34-35.


2007 Supervision and Consumer Protection Program Results
Strategic Goal: FDIC-supervised institutions are safe and sound.
# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results
1 Conduct on-site risk management examinations to assess the overall financial condition, management practices and policies, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations of FDIC-supervised depository institutions. Percentage of required examinations conducted in accordance with statutory requirements and FDIC policy. One hundred percent of required risk management examinations (including a review for Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) compliance) are conducted on schedule. Achieved.
See pg. 18.
2 Take prompt and effective supervisory action to address issues identified during the FDIC examination of FDIC-supervised institutions that receive a composite Uniform Financial Institutions Rating of "4" or "5" (problem institution). Monitor FDIC-supervised insured depository institutions' compliance with formal and informal enforcement actions. Percentage of follow-up examinations of problem institutions conducted within required time frames. One hundred percent of follow-up examinations are conducted within 12 months of completion of the prior examination. Achieved.
See pg. 18.
3 Increase regulatory knowledge to keep abreast of current issues related to money laundering and terrorist financing. Certification of BSA/AML subject-matter experts. An additional 10 percent of BSA/AML subject-matter experts nationwide are certified under the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists certification program. Achieved.
See pg. 25.
4 More closely align regulatory capital with risk in large or multinational banks. Continuation of preparatory activities related to the implementation of the new Basel Capital Accord (Basel II). Further develop the Basel II framework to ensure that it does not result in a substantial reduction in risk-based capital requirements or significant competitive inequities among different classes of banks. Consider alternative approaches for implementing the Basel Capital Accord. Achieved.
See pg. 14.
Participate in the continuing analysis of the projected results of the new capital regime. Achieved.
See pg. 16.
Promote international cooperation on the adoption of supplemental capital measures in countries that will be operating under Basel II. Achieved.
See pg. 15.
5 More closely align regulatory capital with risk in banks not subject to Basel II capital rules. Development of a revised capital framework proposal for institutions not subject to Basel II. Complete rulemaking on Basel IA. Not Applicable
See pg. 16.
6 Ensure that FDIC-supervised institutions that plan to operate under the new Basel Capital Accord are making satisfactory progress toward meeting required qualification standards. Percentage of on-site examinations or off-site analyses performed. On-site examinations or off-site analyses are performed for all FDIC-supervised banks that intend to operate under Basel II to ensure that they are effectively working toward meeting required qualification standards. Achieved.
See pgs. 15-16.
7 Reduce regulatory burden on the banking industry while maintaining appropriate consumer protection and safety and soundness safeguards. Implementation of regulatory burden reduction legislation. Applicable provisions of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 (FSRRA) are implemented in accordance with statutory requirements. Partially
See pgs. 22-24.
Support is provided to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), as requested, for studies required under FSRRA. Achieved.
See pg. 22.
Utilization of state anti-money laundering (AML) regulatory assessments of Money Service Businesses (MSBs) in FDIC risk management examinations. State AML assessments of MSBs are incorporated into FDIC risk management examinations in states where MSB AML regulatory programs are consistent with FDIC risk management standards. Partially
See pg. 25.
Strategic Goal: Consumers' rights are protected and FDIC-supervised institutions invest in their communities.
8 Conduct CRA and compliance examinations in accordance with the FDIC's examination frequency policy. Percentage of examinations conducted in accordance with required time frames. One hundred percent of required examinations are conducted within time frames established by FDIC policy. Achieved.
See pg. 18.
9 Take prompt and effective supervisory action to monitor and address problems identified during compliance examinations of FDIC-supervised institutions that receive a "4" or "5" rating for compliance with consumer protection and fair lending laws. Percentage of follow-up examinations or related activities conducted within required time frames. One hundred percent of follow-up examinations or related activities are conducted within 12 months from the date of a formal enforcement action to confirm that the institution is in compliance with the enforcement action. Achieved.
See pg. 19.
10 Determine the need for changes in current FDIC practices for following up on actions on significant violations of consumer compliance laws and regulations identified during examinations of banks for compliance with consumer protection and fair lending laws. Completion of analysis and evaluation of current practices. An analysis is completed for all institutions on the prevalence and scope of repeat instances of significant violations from the previous compliance examination. Achieved.
See pg. 20.
A determination is made regarding the need for changes to current FDIC and FFIEC guidance on follow-up supervisory action on significant violations identified during compliance examinations, based on the substance and level of risk posed to consumers by these repeat violations. Achieved.
See pg. 20.
11 Effectively meet the statutory mandate to investigate and respond to consumer complaints about FDIC-supervised financial institutions. Timely responses to written complaints. Responses are provided to 90 percent of written complaints within time frame established by policy. Achieved.
See pg. 32.
12 Provide effective outreach and technical assistance on topics related to the CRA, fair lending, and community development. Number of individuals taking a Money Smart class or using the self-paced curriculum. 200,000 additional individuals are taught using the Money Smart curriculum. Achieved.
See pg. 33.
120 school systems and government entities are contacted to make them aware of the availability of Money Smart as a tool to teach financial education to high school students. Achieved.
See pg. 33.
Dissemination of information that promotes expanded use of insured financial institutions by segments of the U.S. population that are currently underserved by those institutions. A review of existing risk management and compliance/CRA examination guidelines and practices is completed to ensure that they encourage and support the efforts of insured financial institutions to foster economic inclusion, consistent with safe and sound banking practices. Achieved.
See pg. 27.
A pilot project is conducted with banks near military installations to provide small-dollar loan alternatives to high-cost payday lending. Not
See pg. 28.
Strategies are developed and implemented to encourage FDIC-supervised institutions to offer small-denomination loan programs. Achieved.
See pg. 28.
Research is conducted and findings disseminated on programs and strategies to encourage and promote broader economic inclusion within the nation's banking system. Achieved.
See pgs. 26-27.
Number of outreach activities conducted, including technical assistance activities. 125 technical assistance (examination support) efforts or banker/community outreach activities are conducted related to CRA, fair lending, or community development. Achieved.
See pg. 34.


2007 Receivership Management Program Results
Strategic Goal: Recovery to creditors of receivership is achieved.
# Annual Performance Goal Indicator Target Results
1 Market failing institutions to all known qualified and interested potential bidders. List of qualified and interested bidders. Contact all known qualified and interested bidders. Achieved
See pg. 37.
2 Value, manage, and market assets of failed institutions and their subsidiaries in a timely manner to maximize net return. Percentage of failed institution's assets marketed. Ninety percent of book value of a failed institution's marketable assets are marketed within 90 days of failure. Acheived
See pg. 37
3 Manage the receivership estate and its subsidiaries toward an orderly termination. Timely termination of new receiverships. Terminate all receiverships within 90 days of the resolution of all impediments. Achieved.
See pg. 52.
4 Conduct investigations into all potential professional liability claim areas in all failed insured depository institutions and decide as promptly as possible to close or pursue each claim, considering the size and complexity of the institution. Percentage of investigated claim areas for which a decision has been made to close or pursue the claim. For 80 percent of all claim areas, a decision is made to close or pursue claims within 18 months of the failure date. Not Applicable.
No Claims within the 18-month period.
See pg. 52

Last Updated 05/08/2008

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